I often wonder when I sing “Like a River Glorious,” if Miss Havergal, who wrote the words, ever listened to four children, full of health and vigor, as they rose from the table and prepared to leave for school. She says,

Not a surge of worry,
Not a shade of care,
Not a blast of hurry,
Touch the spirit there.

At home I look ahead, in the morning, to the breakfast table. There we gather first of all around the Word of God, with our children, for a few moments with the Book. We like to have our family worship before eating. I remember that Leland Wang, of Hong Kong, gives his people the slogan, “No Bible, no breakfast!” If you must go without one of them, skip the porridge, but do not let your soul starve through a morning. Your body can live on the stored–up strength, but the manna from yesterday spoils if we try to use it over again today. There are many Christians who could find the whole secret of a life of defeat in a neglected Bible.

How many of us must realize that those who live in the house with us have a special blessing from God to get along with us! There are some dear women and children that would rather go into a bear pit than have to meet some of you before you have had your morning cup of tea or coffee. Does your family sigh with relief when you leave for a religious convention or a Bible conference, knowing that they will have a week of peace in the house with you away? The Lord never meant that any Christian should have to growl a later apology to husband or wife, saying, “Perhaps I did roar a bit, but I wasn’t fully awake, and you know I am not responsible until half an hour after I am out of bed.” The Lord will do away with all of that for you, and every side of the bed will be the right side of the bed for you to get out of, when you have committed your mind and your tongue to Him for those first moments of contact that you will have with others.

Once the mind has meditated on Christ, then the heart naturally turns to praise. For Christ, recognized, exalted, and enthroned in the life, will live the same life of praise and intercession within us that He is living in Heaven.

Many people know from sad experience that the mind frequently drifts to thoughts that are utterly of self, and its interests and desires, in those half-asleep, half-awake moments that end our days and begin our nights. I have discovered, therefore, that it is of great importance to capture this half world of the mind for our Lord Jesus Christ.