More than David's Son

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"“David himself calls him Lord. So how is he his son?” And the great throng heard him gladly.” (Mark 12:37)

Jesus is here claiming plainly to be the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy.  Here He is boldly declaring Himself to be David’s Lord, to be in fact none other than the Lord Jehovah.  Jesus also uses passages to teach about His ascension when He quotes, “The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand.”  Jesus knows He is about to die.  He knows He will be raised from the dead and will return to heaven.  Where will he be?  At the right hand of the Father.  

Jesus was talking to worldly people who wanted the Messiah to be the “son of David” in a mere political sense. They would make the Messiah nothing more than a convenience to be used, they wanted a religion that could be twisted around their own desires.  But Jesus shows them a realm far beyond their tiny preconceptions, a world where the Messiah cannot be manipulated and used, where He is recognized as God.  By challenging these restrictions, Jesus set Himself forth as none other than Jehovah God.

We cannot dictate to Jesus the nature and the limitations of His calling.  We cannot mold Him into a safe, manageable God that we can control or ignore at our pleasure.  His calling is a heavenly calling, coming from the Father himself.  That is why it is He, not we, who asks the most important question of life, “What do you think of the Christ?”  Christ Jesus is more than just David's son, He is the Messiah born to save us from our sins.

Meditation:  Am I daily crucifying the “old man"?

Further Reading: Matthew 12:28-40